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D E S V A N E C E 

D E S V A N E C E Ventosas (Mexican Fire Cupping) & Limpia (Energetic Cleansing) Set


While this technique is similar to Chinese fire cupping, a ventosa treatment is much gentler. Instead of of staying attached to skin, the cups are removed shortly after they are applied. This technique of applying and removing the cups is used to warm up the body and activate blood vessels. Once body is warmed up, oil is applied to the skin and cups are reattached and used to massage the muscles. Ventosas are used for muscle tension, stiff joints, reduced range of motion, digestive issues and sprains. 


DESVANECE set includes a Limpia (Energetic Cleanse) during the cupping session. It has a mini smudge tealight made with hemp coco soy wax and is topped with palo santo, and crystal quartz and homegrown organic sage leaves.  A limpia is good for those who suffer from severe stress, anxiety, depression, feeling disconnected from their body or whose condition is not improving using other techniques. 


This set includes:

One medical grade glass cup

Smudge tea light

Calendula Oil for skin healing and therapeutic massages.



Ventosa (Mexican Fire Cupping) is a traditional treatment that is generally safe, comfortable, and effective for many health disorders. The gentle suction that cupping creates loosens and lifts connective tissues, which increases blood and lymph flow to your skin and muscles. To get the maximum benefits from cupping, it’s important that you follow a few guidelines.


Please remember that this is to be used by people who are familiar with this practice. Please refer to a a medical doctor is you have any condition listed on the contraindications. Self-administration is not advised. We strongly encourage to use with a friend/partner who are not at risk or have a condition listed on the contraindication list for cupping therapy.



Hydrate. Water is essential for your health, especially for your lymphatic system. Cupping supports your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system clears away cellular waste from your body and it needs plenty of water to do this effectively.

Eat an hour or so before 

Don’t shave the area within four hours of a session

Recover from sunburn. When you receive cupping, it will feel like that area is warmer than normal. Neither the cup nor the extra heat will feel good on sunburned skin. Apply some soothing aloe and wait until your skin has recovered before your next cupping session

Don’t exfoliate aggressively. Exfoliating removes a layer of dead skin, which makes your skin extra sensitive. Wait a couple days after aggressive exfoliation treatment before receiving cupping.



Ensure glass cup is clean & sterilized before use.

Light tea-light away from skin. 

Place lighted tea-light on back area on skin and observe skin suction while fire goes out. 

Leave in place for 3-5 minutes and repeat 3-5 times until skin area is warm to touch.

Apply massage oil and massage area 

Light up tea-light again away from skin, once lighted reattach to the skin. 

Once suction pulls skin and the fire of the tealight is out, start sliding suction cup to massage where oil was applied.


After cupping:

Drink a lot of water.
Water helps flush your lymphatic system of the cellular waste that cupping helps release from your tissues. 

Stay warm.
Try to cover the area(s) where you received cupping.

You may feel more tired than normal or experience flu-like symptoms after cupping (headache or general body aches). This is a temporary reaction by your immune system to the cellular waste that cupping helps release.

Cold and windy conditions. After cupping, your skin will be more sensitive to temperature in the areas where the cups were placed. Give your skin time to recover. 


Cupping Contraindications: 

Cupping is not suitable for everyone. There are risks associated with performing cupping therapies on individuals with the following conditions:

  • Bruises

  • Pregnancy

  • Diabetes

  • Inflammatory Skin Conditions 

  • Open wounds, sores or thinning skin

  • Hypotension

  • Cancer (with or without treatment)

  • Varicose veins

  • Blood clot(s)

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Neuropathy

  • Autoimmune Condition (MS, Lupus, RA, etc.)

  • Peripheral Vascular Disease

  • Heat Sensitivity

  • Compromised immune system

  • Edema or Lymphedema

  • Anticoagulants (Blood thinning medications) 



Medical Disclaimer: 

Querencia Healing, LLC provides high quality, healthy and non-irritating products for the skin. However, please read the following disclaimer:

Content is provided for general informational purposes and should not be considered medical advise. Product informations is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You are responsible for for understanding the safe application of these products. Querencia Healing, LLC is not liable for any individual reaction when using their products or have any individual reaction to any particular ingredient. Remember to read the labels and ingredient lists carefully and follow the appropriate directions for use. An allergy patch test is recommended if there is any doubt or history to skin reactions. Discontinue use if reaction occurs. Please consult a healthcare provider if you have any questions about a particular health condition.​


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